Love Triangle sweepstakes are open until Monday August 19th: Details on where you can pre-order/buy Love Triangle: Or if you just want it from Amazon, this is my affiliate link: For people in Europe, signed UK copies are still available on Maths Gear: “Search For Largest Polyhedra” by Donald Grace Thanks to Bill Hedges at Cosmic Films Studio in Nebraska, USA for having us to film our sci-fi adventure. Check out Bill’s Cosmic Cat series: Thanks to Laura Taalman for 3D printing the fantastic shapes for me. She's a Professor of Mathematics at James Madison University. Thanks to Roger Antonsen, for testing the local maxima of the Grace shape for this video. Roger sadly passed away earlier this year. His department at the University of Oslo have published a memorial page to celebrate him: Geogebra model of the Grace's Shape made by Sam Hartburn. Much appreciation to Donald's children who talked to me about late nights spent with their father watching a computer crunch away at some math. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. I could maximise the occupancy of a unit sphere with my gratitude. CORRECTIONS - 00:23 I say "August 22" which is wrong: this Tuesday is August 20. Please don't tell my publishers I got that wrong. - At 16:50 I say "eight times" which is completely wrong and not part of the formula. No idea what was going on there. The onscreen value (and everything else I say) is correct. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Additional footage by Bill Hedges Written and performed by Matt Parker Voiceover by Gemma Arrowsmith Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson On-set entertainment by Cosmic Cat (and kittens) MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: